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Davydovskyi Ihor

Python developer, gained practical skills through business projects, coupled with background in commerce, direct sales, management, recruiting, and executive leadership.

I love to study science, history, technology, political science, etc, and play piano.


Basic Python Frameworks Web development Tools Languages
File System
Django, DRF
Flask, RESTful API
Celery, Redis
Webpack, Bootstrap, jQuery
http/TCP, Nginx
sqlite3, PostgreSQL
SqlAlchemy, Peewee
asyncio, aioHttp
Argparse, Packaging
Unittest, PyTest
VS Code
English 1B Intermediate
Ukrainian Native
Russian Native

My social networks

Instagram | Telegram | GitHub

My contacts

+380634009712 | rollbar1990@gmail.com

My projects:

Work experience

vikyhome Python backend developer 2023 - now... Writing backend and api. Development of the implementation of the system. Search for references for the project. Synchronization of technologies. Deploy the project. Testing and support.
Customer/manager: Tyurina Victoria
React contributor: Yulia Bakalova
Agent’s and apartments LLC Python backend developer 2022 - 2023 Writing a Telegram bot to improve customer interaction with the company and the opportunity choose to view apartments. Bot deployment and support.
Customer/manager: Oleksandr Bekmann
"Black Out Bar Kyiv" LLC CEO 2021 - 2022 All manager's points + legal responsibility. Details...
"BlackOut" Bar Company manager 2021 Formation of corporate culture. Control of personnel changes. Ensuring the correct interaction of personnel. Financial management of the company. Cost and profit control. Reporting to owners. Interaction with regulatory authorities. Control of purchases, salary payments, the technical condition of the establishment, marketing costs, etc.
StarLife LLC Senior manager 2020 - 2021 Business strategy development. Senior staff training. Compliance with the quality of customer service. Delegation. Investment modeling. Details...
StarLife LLC HR manager - Business trainer. 2015 - 2020 Sale of life insurance policies. Recruiting. HR management. Public speaking. Presentations. The holding of trainings.
"SavServis Mova" LLC Sales Representative 2015 Looking for new clients. Compliance with reporting. Sales.
"Vim-Bill-Dan Ukraine" Private JSC Sales Representative 2014 - 2015 Sales, efficiency improvement. Personal communication with customers. Conclusion of contracts.
Subsidiary "SavServis Capital" Merchandiser 2013 - 2014 Sales Basics. Spatial logical thinking. Arrangement of items of goods


FoxMinded Python Mentoring (Web Development, Django, Flask) link... September 2022 - May 2023 The Python course for beginners from FoxmindEd is designed for those who are just starting to learn programming, as well as for those who already write in another language and would like to expand their skill set. The course itself consists of a cycle of tasks that step by step reveal the features of the Python language and teach to work with it.
Good, good Python OOP - advanced training course from Sergey Balakirev link... May - july 2022 Fundamentals of programming in Python.
Good, good Python - training initial course from Sergey Balakirev link... May - july 2022 Fundamentals of programming in Python.
Business School "Network21" 2009-2013 Direct Sales Mastery. Recruiting. Leadership.
National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky 2008-2013 Higher. Specialist. Orchestra and chamber ensemble artist
Kyiv Lysenko State Music Lyceum 1999-2008 Middle special in the class "contrabass"